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Fear of white skin cancer

What is it & how is it treated?

Hautkrebs Erkennung und Behandlung

White skin cancer (medically known as basal cell carcinoma) is a semi-malignant tumor. This means that it is fundamentally malignant, but does not usually spread throughout the body via metastases, such as melanoma. Intense sun exposure plays a key role in its development.

In this context, I would like to mention that there are a number of other skin changes that are classified as sun damage. In Austria, for example, around a third of the population is affected by red and rough patches, which typically occur most frequently on the forehead, temples and forearms.

The risk of this increases with age. These are definitely precursors of cancer(actinic keratoses). The most important preventative measures are to avoid too much sun exposure (especially around midday!) and to protect yourself with sun creams with a high sun protection factor. I recommend applying a lot and often! This not only reduces the risk of skin cancer
but also the likelihood of getting unsightly spots.

However, if the first signs of sun damage are already present, a relatively new treatment method is available: the
“Daylight PDT”. Potentially dangerous skin changes can be removed almost painlessly without surgery.