Dermatologist Vienna
My practice in 1090 Vienna
Overview of my medical services as your dermatologist in Vienna
As the old saying goes: “Prevention is better than cure”. This is definitely true when it comes to your skin. A good dermatologist can help you keep your skin in optimal condition and give you advice on how to avoid common skin problems. For me as a dermatologist, the treatment of problems and diseases related to the skin, hair, nails and sexually transmitted diseases is a comprehensive area of medicine to which I devote a great deal of attention. I – Dr. Barbara Franz – am a specialist in dermatology and dedicate myself to your problems with holistic attention! If you are looking for a dermatologist, you are in the best hands with me. You can read the opinions of numerous satisfied customers on DocFinder and in the Google reviews.
Dr. Barbara Franz cares about your well-being!
As a dermatologist in Vienna, I offer my patients the full range of modern dermatological services. Whether you come to me for a regular skin check, have discovered a strange skin change or visit my practice for the treatment of a specific skin condition – I always take time for your concerns and answer all your questions in detail. My aim is to provide you with the best possible care and to help you achieve healthy, beautiful skin.
"People and their well-being are at the heart of medicine."
At my dermatology practice in Vienna, I treat patients of all ages, from infants to senior citizens. From the detection of skin cancer, to the treatment of a skin cancer, I am confident that I can provide you with the treatment you need, regardless of your age or skin type. I offer general dermatology services such as skin cancer screening examinations as well as cosmetic treatments such as Botox and hyaluronic acid skin rejuvenation treatments. Read more about this on my page for aesthetic dermatology.
Dermatology taken at its word
If you are looking for a dermatologist in Vienna, you will inevitably come across terms such as dermatology and dermatologist. They all contain the Greek words derma and logos – synonymous with “skin” and “science”.
They show what dermatology and dermatologists deal with: the structure and tasks of the skin and all aspects that maintain its basic functions.
Various circumstances can affect the appearance of the skin and change its characteristics. During a dermatological examination, it is important to find out where the causes lie and which methods can help to combat the trigger.

Difference to aesthetic dermatology
However, it makes a big difference whether you come to my practice with signs of ageing skin or symptoms of illness. That’s why, like every dermatologist in Vienna, I differentiate between aesthetic and medical dermatology. To find out more about aesthetic dermatology and the associated services I offer in my practice, visit this overview.
While one area is dedicated to your individual perception of beauty, the other focuses on functional disorders and the resulting problems. Both areas can merge and complement each other.
What they have in common is the variety of possible examination and treatment methods. They require specialist knowledge, which Austrian dermatologists acquire in Vienna or at other university locations.

Why is an examination by a dermatologist important?
With a total surface area of almost 2 square meters and a weight of 3-10 kg, the skin is the largest organ of the human body. largest human organ. It is exposed to a great deal of stress every day, which can upset its balance and lead to illness. Inflammatory skin diseases are among the most common Infections of the skin. But the treatment of other Skin diseases such as chemical or physical skin damage, intolerances or autoimmune diseases belong to the field of activity of a dermatologist. Particularly important here is
Your dermatologist - highly specialized and interdisciplinary
Here, they first complete a general medical degree, which is followed by dermatology training. This lasts 60 months, half of which is spent in the outpatient sector. As a result, dermatologists in Vienna, Salzburg or Graz have already gained a lot of practical experience by the time they open their first practice.
My training also includes many intermediate steps, during which I was able to acquire extensive knowledge about special dermatological cases. This knowledge flows into your examination and treatment – no matter what problem you visit my practice with.
The skin as a multifunctional indicator of external and internal ailments
I dedicate myself to your skin with the care it deserves as the largest organ. In direct contact with the outside world, it protects your body from injury and loss of fluids, balances out temperature fluctuations and transmits numerous sensory impressions. Whether heat, cold, pain or itching: you perceive all physical sensations through your skin.
Disruptions to this multifunctional system lead to irritation – and I mean that in two ways: signs of illness such as redness, scales or blisters not only change the surface of the body, but also affect the soul. Conversely, psychological problems can push outwards and become visible through the skin. That’s why your skin health is particularly important!
Examination with heart, mind and technology
I therefore take a holistic approach to dermatological abnormalities. The family and medical history of my patients is just as important to me as their general life situation and current events. This is the only way for me to gain an overall impression of the aspects that may have led to your symptoms.
As a rule, skin diseases are noticeable through visual changes; however, they can also cause sensory disturbances such as tension, itching or numbness. In addition, dermatological complaints can occur anywhere on the body, as their appearance is extremely varied.

Possible triggers for skin changes
This does not always have to be a skin disease in the true sense of the word. There are a variety of internal and external influences that can lead to changes in the epidermis. The range of possible triggers literally stretches from A to Z:
- Allergies and autoimmune diseases, which include hay fever and intolerances
- Connective tissue diseases
- Blood clotting disorders
- Chronic inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis and neurodermatitis
- Intestinal diseases such as Crohn's disease
- Diabetes, which can cause brownish, slightly raised patches on the skin
- Nutritional deficiency or oversupply
- Lipometabolic disorders, which can lead to yellowish, fatty deposits on the skin of the upper and lower eyelids
- Biliary complaints in which the skin and eyeballs turn yellowish due to the bile pigment bilirubin
- Vascular diseases
- Infections with a wide variety of bacteria or viruses
- Insect bites
- Liver dysfunctions such as fatty liver or cirrhosis, which can become noticeable through reddish, cobweb-like markings
- Lymph flow disorders
- Parasite or fungal infestation
- Psychological complaints such as stress, trauma or depression
- rheumatic diseases
- Pregnancies, which can cause hormone-related rashes and skin discoloration such as the charming linea nigra
- Sunlight, which leads to polymorphic light dermatosis in around 20 percent of people
- Tumors
- Poisoning due to ingestion of toxic substances
- Injuries due to thermal, mechanical or chemical effects
Treatment information compact
This results in completely different treatment approaches:
If I suspect that an internal disease is present, I confirm this by means of blood and tissue analyses. The treatment can then only be symptomatic, i.e. help to alleviate the external signs. Further treatment must be agreed with your family doctor or specialist in the relevant field. I will advise and inform you about this procedure.
I have a range of therapy methods at my disposal for specific skin complaints. They include both the superficial treatment of your problem as well as more in-depth measures. So I can help you with
- allergic and intolerance reactions of the skin and mucous membranes
- Skin complaints as a result of venous diseases
- Lipedema and lymphedema
- the aesthetic treatment of spider veins, scars and injuries
to provide helpful support.
Overview of services as a dermatologist Vienna
The most common complaints that I treat as a dermatologist in Vienna include
- Hives
- Rosacea
- Contact dermatitis
- Drug allergy
- Neurodermatitis
- Ulcers
- Infectious diseases such as sores or shingles
- Food allergy
- Psoriasis
- Diseases of the veins

Skin cancer screening
Another important area of my dermatological services are
- Checking birthmarks
- the prevention and early detection of skin cancer
- the removal of benign tumors
- CO2 laser procedures for viral warts, age spots and skin changes
Venereal diseases
Finally, the range of services provided by dermatologists in Vienna also includes the treatment of sexually transmitted and venereal diseases, which include
- Chlamydia
- Genital warts
- Gonorrhea
- Fungal infections
- Syphilis
- Trichomonads
- Ureaplasma

We are an elective doctor's surgery - no health insurance!
Our practice offers you excellent elective medical services based on the highest level of professional expertise. As an elective doctor’s surgery, we focus on providing you with individual and comprehensive medical care tailored to your specific needs. Please note that we do not offer health insurance services. This enables us to guarantee you particularly personal care in a pleasant atmosphere. Your health is our top priority and we are proud to be able to offer you first-class medical care.
Dr. Barbara Franz is your contact when it comes to healthy skin!
Beautiful skin is the be-all and end-all of your external appearance. You can trust Dr. Barbara Franz and her team to take the best possible care of you! From diagnosis to treatment – Dr. Barbara Franz takes care of you holistically! Make an appointment today!