Hair loss treatment Vienna
Hair loss
treatment Vienna
What you can do about it!
Full, shiny hair – a true symbol of health, youth, beauty and vitality since time immemorial!
If this gradually becomes thinner or even disappears completely, this can be an enormous psychological burden for the person affected! Both men and women are affected!
Are you fed up with permanent hair loss and want to put an end to it? PRP treatment against hair loss is an extremely effective method!
Find out more about PRP therapy!

Reasons for hair loss
In fact, there are several other reasons why our hair can fall out:
A whole list of medications such as cytostatics as part of chemotherapy, but also antihypertensives, birth control pills, acne medication (isotretinoin), antibiotics, antidepressants, thyroid medication and, finally, a not to be underestimated number of tablets taken “quickly” in this country: (head)painkillers.
Other, rarer reasons for the unloved loss of hair are high fever, vitamin deficiency and psychological stress. Not only does the loss of a loved one count here, but moving house alone can be seen as a major stress factor and cause hair loss!
But that doesn’t have to be the case!
So what can you do to prevent hair loss or support your own hair growth?
The principle of a healthy lifestyle applies here just as it does in so many other areas of our lives:
This means that freshly prepared, vitamin-rich foods such as raw vegetables , beet, eggs, fruit and meat provide hair growth with valuable minerals and vitamins such as vitamin B, iron, amino acids and trace elements.
You should also avoid harmful substances such as nicotine (which reduces the blood supply around the hair follicle, meaning that the hair roots do not get enough nutrients).
In addition, avoid stress – consciously take time out, do something good for yourself and, if possible, cross out one or two “to-do items” in your calendar.
As a dermatologist, how can I help you with hair loss?
After taking a detailed medical history, an examination of the scalp and a hair root diagnosis (trichogram) are carried out in my practice. Both can provide initial indications of the possible causes of hair loss.
Comprehensive laboratory diagnostics also provide information about possible deficiencies in vitamins, hormones or trace elements! There are countless therapies for treating hair loss. Plasma therapy with autologous blood is a revolutionary concept in the treatment of hair loss!
However, as not every form of hair loss is suitable for this, this should be clarified beforehand. In principle, however, this form of treatment can help around 9 out of 10 patients!




How does PRP therapy for hair loss work?
After a blood sample is taken from the vein, the blood is processed and only the components that are important for hair growth (plasma with buffy coat – a concentrate of growth factors) are injected into the scalp using mini syringes – exactly where the hair falls out.
The most important thing:
The scalp is pre-treated with a special spray, so this form of treatment is now virtually painless! This treatment is carried out several times at intervals of one month, after 3 months a balance is drawn!
A minoxidil hair tincture specially tailored to the patient (depending on the hormone deficiency) should also be used daily.
NEW from the USA!
The “hair infusions”, which originated in the USA, are administered via the vein, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract (especially for people with absorption disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, lactose and fructose intolerance and chronic inflammatory bowel diseases), so the trace elements, amino acids and vitamins that are important for hair growth are delivered directly to where they are needed: the hair roots!
Contact me for an initial anamnesis and let me advise you in my practice!