Hump nose
What to do?

Especially on beautiful, sunny days, we love to go out with one of our trendy accessories – sunglasses. Not only do they protect our eyes from too much brightness, they are simply an elixir of life. But what if your nose doesn’t cooperate? What if wearing sunglasses accentuates a hump?
Yet we actually know instinctively that too much sunlight is not good for our eyes. This is because high intensities of light rays, such as those found in the mountains or by the sea, can lead to inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea.
With the help of a rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid hooked or humped noses can be corrected within a few minutes and almost completely painlessly. And the best thing about it: no scalpel, no surgery at all.
What happens during treatment?
Hyaluronic acid, which is an endogenous and therefore absolutely compatible material, is carefully injected under the skin above and below the bump in minimal quantities and then the nose is shaped to the desired form with fingertip sensitivity and light pressure.
The advantage of hyaluronic acid treatment lies in its properties:
- It is pressure-resistant and can store water - hyaluronic acid is also an important component of our connective tissue!
- The procedure only takes a few minutes and there are usually no side effects to be expected - in rare cases a small hematoma or slight pressure pain.
- If you have a humped nose corrected, you can resume your normal daily routine immediately after the procedure and are fully socially acceptable.
Also if the hump rhinoplasty is uncomplicated, patients are delighted with this procedure, as small amounts are often enough to make the nose appear more aesthetically pleasing, softer and more harmonious.
Afterwards, glasses must not be worn for 24 hours, as the product needs a day to fix in the tissue.
As a rule an injection lasts for about a year and can be repeated at any time afterwards if desired.