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Pigment spots

Protect yourself during the hot season!

Summer, sun, vacation – what could be better than spending time relaxing in the mountains or on the beach?

Unfortunately, our skin remembers every single ray of sunshine and so we are often presented with the bill after the summer in the form of various types of pigmentation disorders.

Pigmentflecken behandeln mit dem CO2-Laser

The good thing about it:

The dermatologist will diagnose all these forms of pigmentation disorders as harmless and harmless (a visit to the dermatologist after the summer is highly advisable)

What can you do yourself to get rid of them?

The motto here is clearly: better safe than sorry!

The more consistently a sufficiently high level of sun protection is applied, the fewer pigmentation disorders!

In addition, there are now – by some dermatologists – individually formulated night creams (our skin sleeps during the day and certain components of a skin care cream break down under UV radiation), which can lighten incipient pigment spots and thus ensure an even complexion.

Here you will find highly concentrated vitamin C (one of the most potent radical scavengers, repairs sun damage in the skin), vitamin A derivatives (slightly exfoliating properties), but above all bleaching substances such as koji berry extracts, hydroquinone or tyrosine kinase inhibitors).

The miracle weapon par excellence, however, is still the fractionated CO2 laser, whereby existing pigment is removed completely scar-free and virtually pain-free (under a special local anesthetic cream).

After one to three sessions, the skin is not only flawless, but also slightly firmer – a pleasant side effect of the laser treatment!