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Remove dark circles & eye shadows

Fresh eyes for youthful facial expressions

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How do dark circles form?

Treatment with hyaluronic acid injections works reliably here and can significantly reduce dark circles under the eyes.

Dark circles under the eyes can be caused by a lack of fatty tissue (hereditary or due to fat loss as we age) or by hyperpigmentation , which can occur more frequently in darker skin types – a dark shadow appears and is responsible for a tired appearance.

In addition, everyday life also has an impact on the appearance of the skin: stress, lack of sleep and fluids, depression and worry, illness and excessive alcohol consumption can also have a negative effect on the appearance of dark circles.

Hyaluronic acid injections reduce dark circles in the long term

While creams help against dark circles in the short term, professional injections with hyaluronic acid can reduce dark circles in the long term or make them disappear completely.

My treatment goal is to lift the depressions in the skin in this sensitive area by injecting special hyaluronic acid precisely and carefully, thus gently compensating for the volume deficit. In this way, shadows and dark circles are diminished and dark circles are reduced or become completely invisible.

You will be amazed at the results. Your tired eyes will be awake, fresh and beautiful again!




How does a treatment with hyaluronic gel work?

Using a fine cannula, the hyaluronic acid is injected into the area to be treated. Here, “less” is often “more” to achieve a natural, beautiful result. Depending on the size of the dark circles, further treatment may be necessary.

After the initial treatment, however, it is advisable to wait for the final result before undergoing further treatment after 2-3 weeks at the earliest.

Important FAQs about hyaluronic acid injections

Injections for dark circles under the eyes should be carried out slowly and in several stages, depending on the situation and requirements.
Once the desired treatment result has been achieved, a refresher treatment can be expected after 8 – 12 months, depending on the patient’s tissue. Hyaluronic acid injections also have another advantage: they stimulate the body’s own collagen production in the treated area, so that new and fresh connective tissue can develop in the long term and thus contribute to lasting treatment success. The following applies: the higher the quality of the material used, the better the collagen stimulation!

The distance to further injections of the dark circles will therefore continue to increase.

The injection is carried out in small quantities and in a controlled manner to avoid excessive filling of the tear trough. The treatment is completely safe, as hyaluronic acid is a natural component of our skin.

After the treatment, slight swelling must be expected, particularly in the eye area, and possibly a small hematoma due to the close proximity of the blood vessels. However, both will disappear within a few days and can be easily covered with camouflage. Especially in the area of your dark circles or tear trough, you should only have the treatment performed by specialists in order to achieve an aesthetic and beautiful treatment result.

The result is visible immediately after the injection, as the treatment immediately lifts the dark circles under the eyes. However, the final result can only be admired after a few days.

Due to the presence of a delicate vascular network in the area below our eyes, a hematoma (small bruise) may occur in rare cases, but this can be covered immediately with antibacterial camouflage and usually disappears completely after 2-5 days.

Aspirin or other blood-thinning medication should be avoided one week before the appointment to prevent hematoma formation.

It is important to avoid sports, sauna or steam bath for 2 days after treatment with hyaluronic acid against dark circles and shadows under the eyes and to avoid any external pressure on the treated area – the gel-like consistency of the filler material needs 24 hours to be fixed in the tissue.

Only in rare cases can small but easily concealable hematomas occur in the treated area after treatment of dark circles and under-eye circles with hyaluronic acid. Slight swelling and redness may occur, but this will disappear after 1-2 days.

When treating tear troughs, it is advisable to consult a specialist as it requires a great deal of expertise. In addition to hematomas, which can occur in rare cases, improper treatment can lead to uneven distribution of the hyaluronic acid in the treated area, whereby the excess hyaluronic acid can subsequently be completely dissolved again with a special enzyme.

Here, the relevant expertise of the attending physician is essential. great importance. With Presence of lymphatic drainage disorders (this should be checked by the doctor beforehand – “snap test”), should be a corresponding treatment should be avoided.

After the first session, you can already see a clear improvement in dark circles under the eyes, and a dark shadow can at least be reduced.