Skin cancer screening & birthmark check
Skin cancer screening & birthmark check
Don't give skin cancer a chance & visit your dermatologist in Vienna for your annual check-up

The early detection, diagnosis and treatment of skin changes using the latest methods are of great importance and can only be carried out by a dermatologist.
I recommend an annual check-up of the entire skin. This allows changes to be observed and diagnosed so that existing moles do not become malignant (melanoma) and new, malignant moles do not appear.
In addition, I offer digital photo documentation for special indications (particularly many moles).
A regular annual check-up is recommended!
The early detection, diagnosis and treatment of skin changes using the latest methods are of great importance and can only be carried out by a dermatologist.
I recommend an annual check-up of the entire skin. This allows changes to be observed and diagnosed so that existing moles do not become malignant (melanoma) and new, malignant moles do not appear.
In addition, I offer digital photo documentation for special indications (particularly many moles).

How does skin cancer screening & mole control work?
Your appointment for a mole check begins with a clarifying consultation with your doctor. During this consultation, your current state of health and any pre-existing conditions and risk factors will be discussed. This is followed by an examination of your skin, during which your entire body is scanned for skin changes and abnormalities.
I carry out skin cancer screening using a dermatoscope (reflected light microscopy). I can also offer digital imaging using DermaFoto to check moles. This documentation with up to 30x magnification is highly recommended, especially in the case of very many or changing moles. In this way, even the smallest changes in the moles and skin can be detected and treated accordingly.
In my practice, I offer modern suturing techniques (subcutaneous, intracutaneous, butterfly sutures…) and skin closures with acrylic adhesives for gentle and sensitive wound closure. I also operate on problem areas on the eyelids, tip of the nose and lips after careful consultation and consideration of other treatment options such as laser – but only in the case of exclusively benign skin changes.
Conspicuous moles are surgically removed by me and sent to a histopathology institute for histopathological examination. The sutures are removed after 7 to 21 days, depending on the location of the surgical site.
A suspicious birthmark - what now?
In most cases, skin cancer screening does not identify any malignant skin changes. However, if this should happen, there is no need to panic. Abnormalities do not always mean skin cancer. In this case, it is recommended that the conspicuous mole be examined at shorter intervals.
If skin abnormalities need to be removed, they will be sent to a histopathology institute for further analysis following your treatment. If signs of skin cancer are identified, we will inform the patient immediately!
When is a birthmark malignant?
A mole check should be carried out once a year by a dermatologist. In this way, changes can be precisely observed and diagnosed and the right treatment suggested. There are two main types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma (white skin cancer) and melanoma (black skin cancer).

Basal cell carcinoma (also known as basal cell carcinoma)
Basal cell carcinoma (basal cell carcinoma or white skin cancer) is the most common form of malignant skin tumor. It is caused by overexposure to sunlight or UV radiation and mainly affects fair skin types. It can occur in many forms and in different parts of the body, for example on the face, neck and arms.
In the initial stage of a basilioma, often only a palpable nodule can be recognized, which continues to grow if left untreated and can bleed spontaneously as the disease progresses.
In contrast to malignant melanoma, basal cell carcinomas do not normally form metastases in other organs. Nevertheless, these tumors can quickly spread to adjacent tissue and even affect cartilage and bone. It is therefore important to detect them in good time and have them removed in order to minimize the risk of a skin tumour recurring!
The earlier the treatment takes place, the smaller the operation. The complete removal of the basal cell carcinoma reduces the recurrence of the skin tumor.

Malignant melanoma
Malignant melanoma is much rarer than basal cell carcinoma, but significantly more dangerous! It is noticeable by its mostly dark color, which is why it is often called black skin cancer. Melanoma is one of the most malignant skin cancers ever. This means that early detection as part of a mole check-up is crucial for the further course of the disease.
In melanoma, the cancerous growths can develop in existing moles or liver spots. However, they can also develop unexpectedly on the scalp, under the nails and even on mucous membranes such as the inside of the mouth or genitals. A malignant melanoma can spread and form secondary tumors in other organs. Fortunately, it can still be treated effectively if it is detected early – but if it is detected later, treatment success may be less successful.
After a thorough dermatoscopic examination, I attach great importance to the rapid surgical removal of the tumor, which is essential for the treatment of malignant melanoma. The aim is to detect precursor lesions (atypical, dysplastic pigmented moles) or very superficial melanomas and to remove them completely surgically.
What you can do yourself to detect skin cancer in good time!
To distinguish “good” from “bad”, it is also advisable to use the A-B-C-D-E rule :
- A - Asymmetry (asymmetrical, irregular shape)
- B - Boundary (irregular, difficult to define boundary; the edge usually appears "frayed" and is not clear)
- C - Color (color of the skin change)
- D - Dynamics/diameter (increased diameter and rapid growth)
- E - Development/Elevation (three-dimensional, raised or fast-growing moles)
Prevent skin cancer
A variety of factors favor skin cancer. These include, above all, excessive exposure to sunlight, as UV radiation damages the skin and thus promotes cancer. This does not just mean the classic “sunbathing”, but also everyday exposure to sunlight. Of course, it is impossible to avoid the sun completely, as it also has a number of benefits, which is why efficient sun protection is all the more important. It is particularly important for people with fair skin!
You can do this yourself:
- Minimize the number of sunbathing sessions!
- Get your skin used to the sun slowly!
- Protect your body with clothing and headgear
- Use sunscreen with an adequate sun protection factor and adapt it to your skin type!
- Renew your sun protection factor several times a day, as the protective function is minimized by sweating and bathing!
- Do not underestimate the spring/autumn sun! Although the sun is not perceived as particularly strong at these times of year, the UV radiation is still present.
- Protect your skin in the mountains! As UV radiation increases with altitude, the use of sun cream with a high sun protection factor is mandatory!

Every year, more and more people are diagnosed with skin cancer. As mentioned above, early detection of an irregularity is crucial for the later course of the disease. Make an appointment today for a mole check in my practice and take the first step towards skin cancer prevention.