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The fat-away injection

No more annoying fat deposits!

Spring is coming - get rid of the winter fat!

Our bodies prepare for bad times whenever possible. As we usually do less exercise in winter or simply eat more – just think of Christmas parties, festive meals etc. – this is a time of year with “serious” consequences for many of us.

Excess sugar is converted into fats in the metabolism and transported to the fat deposits. The excess calories are stored as subcutaneous fatty tissue just under the skin, forming fat rolls and fat deposits.

On the other hand, so-called AGEs (advanced glycation endproducts – produced by excess sugar in the body) are increasingly understood as contributors to general ageing processes and in particular to the skin. Proteins such as collagen and elastin, essential components of firm and young skin, are impaired in their function by excess glucose, which can contribute to loss of elasticity and increased wrinkle formation.

The distribution of fat deposits is genetically determined and in some areas of the body, such as the double chin, stomach, hips or knees, cannot be changed satisfactorily by exercise or dieting.

Although hard-won weight loss reduces the respective fat deposits, they quickly grow back to their original size after the end of a diet. And in exactly the same places …

What can you do to permanently fight unnecessary kilos?

A healthy, low-sugar diet and regular exercise not only contribute to weight loss but also definitely to greater well-being.

If these measures cannot achieve a subjectively satisfactory result in the medium term, fat-away injections are a natural option for reducing specific problem areas – they should not be used for general weight reduction.

What can the fat-away injection really do?

This is the lecithin extracted from soybeans, which causes the fat cells to burst, thereby permanently removing them from the body.

The good thing about this is that these fat cells are no longer reproduced, as our body can no longer produce new fat cells in adulthood! Two to three treatments at one-month intervals are recommended to achieve great and natural results.

You ask - Barbara Franz answers!

If I now want to reduce my abdominal circumference with the fat-away injection, I am worried that the tissue will then be flabby in the treated area. What happens to the excess skin?

The fat-away injection not only reduces our fatty tissue, but also creates an important accompanying inflammation during fat removal, which has a positive effect in the form of tightening in the treated area.

I have put on 20 kilos - does the fat-away injection help?

Clearly, the fat-away injection is ideal if stubborn problem areas still remain despite a healthy lifestyle and sufficient exercise; it is not suitable for people who are generally overweight!