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Wrinkle treatment with Botox - Vienna

Botox against wrinkles

Everything at a glance

What is Botox?

Botox is a popular aesthetic medicine procedure that can help reduce the signs of ageing. It is an injectable form of botulinum toxin type A that temporarily paralyzes certain facial muscles to give the face a firmer and smoother appearance by reducing wrinkles and fine lines. Botox injections can be used to treat wrinkles, fine lines, crow’s feet, frown lines and much more. It is important to consult a specialist before starting a Botox treatment.

Duration of effect of Botox

The effects of Botox can be seen within the first few days, but it usually takes 3-5 days for the full results of the treatment to become visible. Results vary from person to person and depend on various factors such as age, skin condition and number of injections. In general, the results last for four to six months. For these reasons, Botox has become one of the most sought-after cosmetic treatments for many people who want a youthful appearance.

Behandlung von Kinnfalten, Stirnfalten und anderen Falten durch die Injektion mit Botox oder Hyaluronsäure/ Hyaluron. Die Beliebtheit dieser Behandlung ist sehr hoch.

How does Botox work?

Botox is a protein that very gently smoothes wrinkles on the face and neck, while at the same time tightening the skin. Botox is also used for medical purposes, e.g.

Die Methode der Botoxbehandlung - Botox gegen die Entstehung von Falten für Patienten und Patientinnen. Eine Gesichts-Botoxbehandlung eines Mannes ist abgebildet.

Botox injections are minimally invasive and cause little discomfort during the procedure; they also offer long-lasting results with minimal recovery time. With the right post-treatment care, you can ensure that your skin continues to look youthful and refreshed.

The muscles responsible for the formation of wrinkles are treated with Botox treatment relaxedso that a result can be seen after 3-5 days can be noticed.

Thanks to her continuous training at home and abroad, your dermatologist in Vienna, Dr. Barbara Franz, is always up to date with the latest injection techniques. This is an important prerequisite for perfect results.

Why Botox?

Our facial wrinkles are the result of our facial expressions. Joy, anger, excitement, disappointment and surprise – all emotions are reflected in our face. What are initially only visible as fine lines in youth become fine lines and wrinkles as we age, which can no longer be compensated for by facial expressions. Botox is an effective and safe method of reducing wrinkles and fine lines and gives the face a more youthful, smoother appearance.

Faltenbehandlung der Stirnfalten wobei die Muskeln vorübergehen gelähmt werden und somit die Falte verschwindet

Which wrinkles are treated with Botox?

Almost all expression lines can be treated with Botox. Botox is most commonly used to treat frown lines between the brows, deep transverse forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet.

But also the wrinkles around the lips and mouth lines as well as the so-called paving stone chin, chin furrows and chin wrinkles can be optimally treated with Botox. A “scowl” can also be treated with a Eyebrow lift can be corrected with Botox: for larger eyes and a radiant, open gaze.

What happens during a Botox consultation?

During a Botox consultation , your dermatologist will discuss the desired aesthetic result and assess your skin before performing the injections. She may also perform an examination to determine how many injections are needed and where the injections are best placed. At this time, the specialist can also answer your questions about the procedure and any potential risks or side effects. You can also take this opportunity to ask about the aftercare instructions you should follow to achieve the best possible treatment results.

Eine Frau bei einem Beratungsgespräch mit Experten der ästhetischen Medizin über Botoxbehandlungen und anderen Behandlungen. Kontaktaufnahme über e-mail.
Eine mit einer Substanz gefüllten Nadel ist abgebildet, die verwendet wird um Botoxbehandlung gegen Falten durchzuführen. Diese Falten entstehen durch die Bewegungen und Nervenimpulse der Muskeln im Gesicht.

What happens during a Botox treatment?

During treatment with Botox, a specialist injects the active ingredient botulinum toxin type A very precisely into the areas of the face to be treated. These injections temporarily paralyze and thus relax the facial muscles, reducing or eliminating wrinkles and fine lines. To minimize discomfort and ensure safety, your dermatologist may apply a topical anaesthetic cream or use cool packs before the procedure.

Start of treatment

Once the anesthetic has taken effect, your doctor injects the Botox solution into your face using small needles at specific points. The entire procedure usually takes about 15 minutes, depending on how many injection sites are to be treated. Afterwards, you should be able to see results within 3-5 days, such as smoothing and tightening of the treated area, with optimal results lasting up to 6 months with proper care.

Facharzt führt Behandlung im Gesichts-bereich durch zur Vorbeugung von Faltenentstehung oder zur Behandlung von Stirnfalten.

What should be considered after a Botox treatment?

Your dermatologist in Vienna, OÄ Dr. Med. Barbara Franz, strives to achieve the best possible results with Botox treatments. In order to achieve optimal long-term results and the longest possible duration of effect, we recommend follow-up examinations to monitor changes in the condition or results. Depending on the individual case, the treatment can be repeated at certain intervals and adapted to the desired aesthetic goals.

Additional aftercare instructions

We also recommend additional aftercare instructions, such as avoiding sun exposure for a few days after treatment, avoiding facial massages or mechanical shocks from exercise and using topical creams to reduce redness and irritation. To achieve the best possible results with Botox injections, regular aftercare is essential.

Pflege nach Faltenbehandlungen für optimale Behandlungsergebnisse. Die Haut sieht straff aus und es sind keine Spuren von Stirnfalten sichtbar. optimales vorher nachher Ergebnis dank Botox

Why is sun protection essential after Botox treatment?

Sun exposure after a Botox treatment can cause the injected areas to become red, swollen and sensitive. In addition, sun exposure can reduce the effectiveness of Botox treatments as the muscles in the injected area contract more than those not injected, which can cause wrinkles to return more quickly. The ultraviolet rays from the sun or tanning bed can also accelerate the breakdown of Botox, reducing its longevity and effectiveness.

Avoid exposure to the sun directly after treatment!

To ensure the best results from your Botox injections, you should avoid direct sunlight for a few days after the treatment and then wear sun protection with a sun protection factor of at least 30. Here are our tips for your skin care in summer!

Sonnenschutz-Präparate sind unerlässlich. Niemand soll darauf verzichten.
Sonnenschutz muss keine Herausforderung sein. Abgebildet ist eine Person mit Make up und einem gebräunten Teint.

Important FAQs about Botox

If you have certain illnesses and are taking the corresponding medication, Botox treatment is not recommended. This is the case with myasthenia gravis, Lambert-Eaton-Rooke syndrome and others. Aspirin should also not be taken for seven days before the treatment, as this can promote bruising. Pregnancy and breastfeeding also speak against Botox treatment.

The first Botox treatment can be started as soon as the first wrinkles appear on the face, although the guideline age is 25. Ultimately, the patient and dermatologist must decide whether he or she meets the criteria for this type of cosmetic treatment.

It is advisable to avoid facial massages or mechanical shocks in order to achieve a perfect result.

Side effects include slight redness or swelling around the puncture sites, which disappear within a few hours. There is rarely a small hematoma in the puncture area, but this can be easily concealed. Side effects, such as unwanted paralysis of a neighboring muscle, are virtually non-existent in the hands of an experienced Botox user and are practically always harmless. Overall, botulinum toxin A is a very safe means of fighting wrinkles.

Botox is well tolerated. In rare cases, the administration of the active ingredient by needle can cause redness at the injection site or bruising, but these are not side effects of the product itself. These injection symptoms disappear after a few days without further treatment.

Ideal for the upper part of the face (forehead, frown lines, eye wrinkles, bunny lines on the bridge of the nose, but also for drooping corners of the mouth, “cobblestone chin” and smoker’s lines around the mouth).

It is particularly important to only have Botox performed by experienced specialists – regular certifications are important! With Dr. Barbara Franz, you are guaranteed to be in good hands thanks to her experience and numerous successful results.

You can clearly see the qualitative differences here: high-quality Botox extends the shelf life many times over. The longer durability means that the prices pay off significantly. You can find more information on the costs of your Botox treatment here.